Pinterest in Your PLN

Pinterest is very different from other Social Media websites in that it is more of a Social Bookmarking website and is considered very visual due to the required use of images when "pinning" content.

Pinterest began in March of 2010. In December 2011 it was considered one of the top 10 social networking services, according to data from Hitwise. By January 2012, Pinterest had 11.7 million unique users.

For me, Pinterest has become a great place to find content that interests me and gives me the ability to archive it for later viewing. Pinterest is great for any PLN because it also allows its user to communicate and share with each other. As a member of Pinterest you can create "Boards" that contain "pins" of content that interests you. You can browse within Pinterest for Pins and Boards from other people, or you can Pin new content to your Boards from outside websites.


Boards are a way for you to organize the content that you want to hold on to within Pinterest. You can give each of your Boards a unique name that focuses on a specific topic or subject. For example, you may want to create a Board called "iPad Apps" where you can pin your favorite education iPad apps. You can also create a Board called "Science Lessons" which you can pin your favorite science lesson ideas from websites all over the web.

Board Ideas:

  • Create a board for each subject area that you teach (i.e. Math, Social Studies, Science, etc.)
  • Create a board for different technology devices that you and your students use (iPad, iPod, tablets, Digital Cameras, etc.)
  • Create a board based on different topics involved in education (i.e. PLN, Gamification, EdTech, Differentations, Common Core, etc.)

When creating a Board, you can give it a name, description, choose a category, and also invite others (by Pinterest name or email) to add to the Board. You can also create up to 3 SECRET boards, which no one else has the ability to see.

Click to see Board examples.


Boards contain your Pins. Think of it as a cork board and each Pin is a note pinned to your cork board. You have multiple cork boards for different purposes, each containing any number of pinned notes that interest you.

A Pin contains an image from a website. The image will link to the website with the appropriate content. A description of the image and website can also be included in a Pin.

Following Pinners and Boards

To get started, you want to find some interesting Pinners and Follow them and their boards. When you visit a Pinterest users profile, you have the option of either Following All of their boards, or you can select individual boards to follow.

Once you begin following users and their Boards, you will begin to create a constantly updated feed of new Pins on your Pinterest homepage. If you see a new Pin from another user that you like, Pin in to one of your own boards. You can always go back to your board to view it more closely later on!

How to Pin Your Own Content

If you find something you like on a website outside of Pinterest, you may want to Pin it to one of your boards. Depending on the device and browser you are using, there are several different ways to create your Pins.

Pinning from an iPad or iPhone (using Safari)

Install the "Pin It" button on an iPad or iPhone -

Pinning from the Chrome Browser

Install the Pinterest Extension for your Chrome Browser -

Pinning from the Firefox or Safari Browser

Drag the "Pin It" button to your bookmark bar -

Pinterest Users and Boards To Get You Started

Check out who I'm following on Pinterest first. I have a great selection of education focused Pinners!

Michael Fricano II (Technocation) -

Ann Appysmarts -

Med Kharbach -

Lisa Johnson (TechChef4U) -

Ready Teacher -

Lauren S. Enders -

Little Miss Kindergarten -

Time 4 Kindergarten -

Tools For Great Teachers -

appoLearning -


Technology in Education -

Tony Vincent -

It's really easy to be a contributor on Pinterest because when ever you Pin something yourself, that Pin will be shared with anyone who is following you. Happy pinning!