Expand Your Googlescope
(w/ even more great apps!)
Michael Fricano II
'Iolani School, Technology Integration Specialist
MakerEd Educator
Google for Education Certified Trainer
Co-Founder Edcamp Honolulu
Co-Founder #edchatHI
2016 President of the Hawaii Society for Technology in Education (ISTE Affiliate)
Presented at:
Kamehameha Schools Hana Pono EdTech Conference - June 8-10, 2015
Ka Hui Heluhelu Fall Conference - Sept 12, 2015
Nanakuli-Waianae Complex Summit - Oct. 30, 2015
Schools of the Future Conference - Nov 3 & 4, 2015
EdTech Team Hawaii Google Summit - Mar 25 & 26, 2016
Hawaii Island TechEd Conference - Mar 29, 2016
CUE Rockstar Teacher Camp Maui - July 12 - 14, 2016
Session Description:
You might already be familiar with Google’s core suite of apps: Drive, Gmail, Calendar, etc. But do you know about the Cultural Institute, Tour Builder, or My Maps? These are some amazingly versatile Google apps for the classroom that can be integrated into multiple subjects and disciplines. Students can visit museums virtually from around the world, create their own museums, or access primary sources; give an audience a whirlwind tour of the world while teaching them about people, places, and things; and build their own maps while learning geography, math, and other subjects! Join this session as we get hands on and learn how you can expand your Googlescope as a teacher! In the end, you’ll walk away with pre-made lessons, tons of ideas for classroom integration, and some bonus Googley games!
Additional Resources:
- Google Cultural Institute | Google+ Page | My Sample Gallery
- Google Tour Builder | My Sample Tour | Maps Gallery | Tour Builder Walkthough | Share your Tour! (form)
- Google My Maps | Sample Data Sheet | Sample .kmz
- How to Search on Google | Search Like a Boss
- Smarty Pins
- Earth-Picker
- GeoSettr | GeoGuessr | Guess these Oahu Locations!
- Create a Geo Greeting!